Is your website looking a bit out of date?

Your business keeps growing and changing, but your website stays stuck in the past, getting more out of date every day. Sound familiar? Wouldn’t it be nice if your online presence matched the success of your day-to-day operations?

Let's Do It!

Launch + Land helps small businesses like yours launch and run fresh new websites, simply, quickly, and professionally. No fuss, no overwhelm and no judgment.

Launch + Land Client Logos

Your old websites just won’t
cut it anymore.

Even service companies that don’t sell anything online need a strong web presence. Why? Because the first thing anyone does when they hear about your company is search for it online. What they find will either convince them to come see you, or drive them away for good.

You need a website you’re confident sending people to.

Our philosophy is simple: the website you need, and nothing more.

Plus the peace of mind you’ll get from knowing it won’t get out of date again, thanks to our ongoing pro support.

What many web design agencies won’t tell you

Most small businesses don't need expensive, flashy, “viral” websites. But that’s often what web agencies try to sell you. It makes moving forward completely overwhelming.

A lot of companies haven't updated their website in years... so let's be real, you probably don’t need a page for every niche, product and client type. You probably don't even need a blog (yet). Interactive Map?... nope. Team page with every employee? ... only if you’re ready to update headshots every year or two. Ongoing social media posting and management? … perhaps, but that’s overkill for most small businesses.

Website Diagram
Clubhouse Collections Logo

Before we worked with Launch + Land, I never knew where to turn for reliable, quality website design work. Now I feel like I "know a guy" and I recommend them every chance I get.

Elliot, Executive Vice President

Common myths about website design


If you don’t spend $50-100k, you won’t get a “professional” looking site.


We make very professional websites for $8-30k.


It’s easy to just build your own website on Wordpress or SquareSpace


Even templates can be butchered… ever search “web design fails”?


You end up spending more in ongoing support than you did on the initial build


Our base level starts at just $199/month. Unlimited email support and updates.

How Launch + Land does things differently

Hassle-free process

After working together to set the direction, we do all the heavy lifting. All you have to do is approve designs and, as subject matter experts, guide the content for your new site. We're here to make your life easier, not harder.

Value-based pricing

We price on value, not hours. Time tracking creates misalignment and friction... and we ain't got time for that. We'll determine a fair price upfront, and then deliver. If things change, that's cool — we'll talk through it like adults.

Fast, focused development

By focusing on your core needs, and ignoring things that aren’t moving the needle, you get the site you need in the timeframe you want.

Low-effort maintenance

Updating a website doesn't have to be a pain. Your site will be easy for your team to manage - and our ongoing support ensures you're taken care of.

Clubhouse Collections Logo

My company needed a new website, and Launch + Land responded in first class fashion. Ultimately, I can honestly say the value of their work has paid real dividends in form of attracting new customers, as well as new employees!

Kevin, Founder

Your website is your online brand rep.

What would having a professionally built + maintained, simple-to-run, gorgeous, modern website mean for your business? Get started with a free consultation or see a rundown of our services.

Get Started Now